Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Bday Zoey!

Today is Zoey's 5th birthday! Can't believe it's here. She starts kindergarten in less than two weeks, and it's a little sad for me. My last baby is off to school!
She had a great day today, Hello Kitty waffles for breakfast with her best cousin/friend Taryn and her brother Tyler. They played all day and then went to their first soccer practice!
She opened a few presents and is enjoying some one-on-one time with Mommy and Daddy since her brothers are both at birthday parties tonight for their friends. We will celebrate more on Saturday! Happy Birthday Zoey! love you!

1 comment:

  1. hey julianna!

    looks like you guys had a fantastic summer. i can't believe zoey is already 5 and ready for kindergarten.

    it will be nice to peek in on your fam. every once and a while. take care!
