Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Catching Up!

Ok, so I'm a little behind. But going to make up for it now, hopefully. Kids are enjoying their time off from school, and all of the Christmas presents. It's been a whirlwind of a fall/winter time for us...Mario played on the Varsity football team and he played so great! Was named Most Improved Player of the year and had around 70 tackles for the season. Tyler and Zoey both played soccer, they love it! Tyler is playing winter basketball as well...and Zoey is in Girl Scouts (the Daisies are her troop!) Between running them around to their activities, working in Zoey's class and driving on field trips, working in the snack bar for the football team, etc......life is on overload! It's nice to be on break right now, after all the xmas shopping, wrapping, baking, etc. Now in the process of taking it all down, putting all the holiday stuff away until next year.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School, Aug. 24, 2009

Today my baby girl started Kindergarten. I knew this day was coming but it got here fast! I was nervous, but she did so great. She was a little nervous at first, but then she got so excited to see the classroom and meet her teacher. We toured her classroom together, took some pictures and then she was off on her own. They had the kids go outside and play while we had a parent meeting, then as I was leaving I saw her lining up with the other kids. I started to get a little teary-eyed, but no crying for Mommy! She saw me, waved good-bye and that was it! So proud of my girl.
Ty was off to 5th grade...it was the first year I didn't walk him to his classroom since I had to be with Zoey. But it was no big deal to him...and after school he said he felt like he'd been in school a month already! Mario started his junior year in HS...11th grade. I still can't believe that...he's growing up in a fine young man. He didn't come home until after football practice, about 6:30. So he had a full first day.
My kids are growing up....it's bittersweet.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Bday Zoey!

Today is Zoey's 5th birthday! Can't believe it's here. She starts kindergarten in less than two weeks, and it's a little sad for me. My last baby is off to school!
She had a great day today, Hello Kitty waffles for breakfast with her best cousin/friend Taryn and her brother Tyler. They played all day and then went to their first soccer practice!
She opened a few presents and is enjoying some one-on-one time with Mommy and Daddy since her brothers are both at birthday parties tonight for their friends. We will celebrate more on Saturday! Happy Birthday Zoey! love you!

Santa Cruz Pics and Video

We had a great time in Santa Cruz! Tyler absolutely loved the boogie boarding...he really got into it! Mario did it, too...but he wasn't as into it as Ty was. Too cold for him, but Ty didn't seem to mind that! The girls, Zoey and Taryn, had a great time in the sand and surf....it was very relaxing and fun to see everyone enjoying themselves. It was great just hanging out with my family!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Santa Cruz....

Well we had a great time last week in Capitola for our anniversary....quality time together, which was very much needed. We walked a lot, slept on the beach and had cocktails on the wharf....watched the seals and the pelicans do dive bombs for their food! It was a great way for us to celebrate our 10 years together! When you think of what's important in life...it's that we have each other, the kids and our families and friends. We're grateful for that, and vow to spend as much quality time as possible with everyone. The kids are growing so fast, and I want to enjoy every moment with them. Sometimes it's hard when life gets so busy, but we're going to focus on that! And our time alone was a necessity, too...we vow to try and do that more often also!
So we're going back, or close by....to Santa Cruz with the kids, my mom and my sister and my niece Taryn! We'll hit the beach and let them play and build sand castles, go on some rides, walk the boardwalk...should be fun for one last quick getaway before school starts!
These are memories I want to build for the kids to have of their childhood, trips to the beach, quality time with the family.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Anniversary!

10 years ago today we were married! We can't believe it's been ten years....sometimes it feels like yesterday. We're going to Capitola for some much needed alone time...not since our honeymoon have we been gone for so long together without any kids! We will miss them, but we know we need this time right now. Auntie Alisha will be staying at our house with the kids, taking care of the dog for us, and my garden, too! We're looking forward to it, and I will post some pics for sure.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Pictures!

Here's a few pics from this summer that are my favorites. I've really been trying to take a lot of pictures of the kids almost daily....this time goes by so fast and I want to savor it all!

Monday, July 27, 2009

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Zoey's Dance Recital

On Sat. July 25 Zoey was in a dance recital called "Wish Upon A Star" based on Disney characters and rides. Her class performed the song from The Tiki Room. Cousin Taryn is also in this class and they were so great! They are not shy at all and got up there on stage and performed at Folsom HS Theater. We are so proud of them! Enjoy the video!
Zoey is in the very middle, and Taryn is 2nd from left.


Welcome to our family blog! We thought it was about time to give in and create one, so here it is! We'll be blogging about what's going on in our lives, as well as posting pictures and video. There might even be some food blogging by Julie at some point, so keep on the lookout for recipes and more! Hope you enjoy and come back often to check out what's new with us!
Bob, Julie, Mario, Tyler and Zoey (and Jake...we'll see if he makes an appearance or two!)