Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Anniversary!

10 years ago today we were married! We can't believe it's been ten years....sometimes it feels like yesterday. We're going to Capitola for some much needed alone time...not since our honeymoon have we been gone for so long together without any kids! We will miss them, but we know we need this time right now. Auntie Alisha will be staying at our house with the kids, taking care of the dog for us, and my garden, too! We're looking forward to it, and I will post some pics for sure.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Pictures!

Here's a few pics from this summer that are my favorites. I've really been trying to take a lot of pictures of the kids almost daily....this time goes by so fast and I want to savor it all!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Posting Comments!

If you tried to post a comment but were unable to, please try again! Click on comments, then after you type in your comment, choose comment as Name/URL. You can type in your first and/or last name so we know who left the comment! You can leave the URL blank. Then follow instructions for typing in the security code, and you should be all set!
Thank you and please keep trying!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Zoey's Dance Recital

On Sat. July 25 Zoey was in a dance recital called "Wish Upon A Star" based on Disney characters and rides. Her class performed the song from The Tiki Room. Cousin Taryn is also in this class and they were so great! They are not shy at all and got up there on stage and performed at Folsom HS Theater. We are so proud of them! Enjoy the video!
Zoey is in the very middle, and Taryn is 2nd from left.


Welcome to our family blog! We thought it was about time to give in and create one, so here it is! We'll be blogging about what's going on in our lives, as well as posting pictures and video. There might even be some food blogging by Julie at some point, so keep on the lookout for recipes and more! Hope you enjoy and come back often to check out what's new with us!
Bob, Julie, Mario, Tyler and Zoey (and Jake...we'll see if he makes an appearance or two!)